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CMX Masterclass: March Metrics Madness with Khoros | Jake Roadhouse

Posted Apr 02, 2022 | Views 173
# CMX MasterClass
Jake Roadhouse
Business Value Director @ Khoros

Having fallen in love with Online Communities in the 1990s, Jake Roadhouse finally started running his own hobbyist / enthusiast Communities in the early 2000s. Then, in 2006, he joined the fledgling company Lithium (later to become Khoros) in order to work with brands that used Community as a business solution. He continues to participate in hobbyist Communities today and still works at Khoros, assisting brands with the specific goals of measuring and monetizing their Online Community endeavors.

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Join us as we partner with Khoros for the ultimate Metrics Masterclass! In a world where there are an abundance of metrics to track, learn what really matters when measuring the success of a community. This Masterclass will be lead by Jake Roadhouse, Business Value Director at Khoros, who will help you understand which Online Community health metrics to focus on, no matter your industry or audience:

The most crucial 'health' metrics to observe and track for any and all Online Communities The distinctive 'health' metrics to track for: Support Communities The distinctive 'health' metrics to track for: Enthusiast / Marketing Communities How to measure the 4 most common Community ROI 'value levers' for any type of Online Community

SPEAKER: Jake Roadhouse Khoros Business Value Director Having fallen in love with Online Communities in the 1990s, Jake Roadhouse finally started running his own hobbyist / enthusiast Communities in the early 2000s. Then, in 2006, he joined the fledgling company Lithium (later to become Khoros) in order to work with brands that used Community as a business solution. He continues to participate in hobbyist Communities today and still works at Khoros, assisting brands with the specific goals of measuring and monetizing their Online Community endeavors.

MODERATOR: Arun Teja Godavarthi CMX Communiteer Arun is a first generation Entrepreneur. In his quest of passion, he transitioned to Community Management. After a journey of freelancing and consulting, Arun joined Google Developers team as Community Manager for India Developer Ecosystem.

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Posted Dec 05, 2023 | Views 724
# CMX MasterClass